Hello "Mill of the Month" Friends

Tour Date ~ March 23, 2019
This time we are stepping away from our typical mill tours.
We will be visiting Mystic Seaport (on your own) for the day.

Of particular interest is the special exhibit "Death in the Ice," about the famous, lost Franklin Expedition to the North Pole. Thirty six ships searched for "The Terror" which never returned. Last fall, the Mill Museum did an exhibit and dramatic skit about "The Resolute," sent on this mission, which became a ghost ship, was found by whalers and brought to Groton. Now, some of it sits in the Oval Office. Another fascinating story!

Meet us at Mystic Seaport Museum at 11:00.
Meet at the Mill Museum for the carpool at 9:45.
RSVP that you'll be part of the group if possible.

Bring admission

Adults $26.05
Seniors 65 or older $24.25

Many of us will dine together but as always that is optional.
Bring lunch money or bag lunch.

  Mill of the Month


  Join Bev and her group of explorers for her well known Mill of the Month Tours.
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  FyrDrak Fabrications