The WWI Diaries of
Dr. Jessie Weston Fisher

  A performance presentation by featuring entries from Dr. Jessie Weston Fisher's diaries, her personal story and historic images from World War I.

Catfeather Productions has created this presentation for the anniversary of the War to End All Wars and it will feature Rick Spencer's music and lyrics with Bev York and/or Sarah Fisher Spencer reading from Dr. Fisher's diaries.

Rick Spencer is recognized internationally for his work as a developer and presenter of theme-based historic music programs in the American Folk tradition. Sarah discovered and transcribed her great-grandmother's diaries in 1996. Bev York is well known for her interpretations of historic female icons of American History.

  Rick's presentations are well-researched, informative and highly entertaining. He is often accompanied in his programs by noteworthy instrumentalists and singers, including Dawn Indermuehle, Tim Marth, Joseph Morneault, Duke York and others.

Middletown, CT Doctor, Wife and Mother Makes a Radical Decision  

(text and photos taken from

  Jessie Myers Weston was born in Cherry Hill, Maryland in 1872. Most of her youth was spent in and around Dover, Delaware. In 1893, she graduated from Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Jessie's path brought her to Middletown, CT where she worked at the CT Hospital for the Insane. In 1897 she married Dr. William Edwin Fisher. In 1904 their son, William was born.

Although she was a doting and dedicated mother, Jessie declared "housework not her forte" and she maintained a focus on her medical career. In 1918 (at the age of 45) she requested a leave of absence to do her part, with the American Red Cross, for the war effort.

Off to War with
The Red Cross
In April 1918, without her family's approval, Dr. Jessie Fisher left her home, her husband and her son in Middletown,Connecticut, to do her part for our nation's effort in the First World War. She traveled to France, where she worked for the American Red Cross in a hospital at Beauvais, in Picardy.

During her time abroad Jessie kept two diaries, documenting her part in one of the most historically significant events of the 20th century. This presentation is taken from those writings.

For more information or to book this program, please e-mail Rick Spencer at or click on Rick

To visit the Facebook page for The WWI Diaries of Jessie Fisher, just click here ~

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