Rachel Carson
Bev York &
Rachel's Environmental Cause
In this age of engineered toxins and climate change denial, Bev York has decided it is vitally important to tell the history of Rachel's quarrel with the manufacturers of toxic chemicals and today's urgent campaign against worldwide pollution.

Her program can be tailored for any age or audience.

Quiet Scientist turned
Icon of Climate Activists
  (bio & photos sourced from wikipedia.com)
  An avid writer from an early age, Carson almost gave up her career as a marine biologist to support her family during the Depression. The popularity of her radio scripts and magazine articles, along with a full time position with the US Fish and Wildlife Services allowed her enough income to continue her scientific research.

Her books would put her on the world stage as a pionering advocate for smart and ethical science in the Atomic Age.
Rachel Carson &
The Environmental Movement
Carson's 1962 book, "Silent Spring," outlined the death of life on Earth as we know it due to the indiscriminate use of pesticides. But, are we willing to listen to her lesson?

The publishing of "Silent Spring" gave birth to the environmental movement and it caused the Environmental Protection Agency to be established. Deadly DDT pesticide was outlawed in the US.

We need to broadcast Rachel's message again for new generations. As toxins seep into every aspect of our lives, and extinction of wildlife and forests becomes normal, we need to heed Carson's words more than ever.


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